Scribbler's Pony Tales
Airs on PonyvilleFM
Fanfiction audiobooks and radio plays, audio versions of comics and reviews of (in)famous fanfictions.
All Episodes (2292)
May 19, 2014 at 5:03pm MLP Comic Dub -- 'Some Dreams' (sad - Scootaloo) Original comic can be found here -- |
May 19, 2014 at 8:15am The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] Equestria Games Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, we play the Cloudsdale Anthem and take to our feet for Season 4, Episode 24: 'Equestria Games'! Listen as we talk horse sports... |
May 17, 2014 at 6:20pm [MLP Radio Play] The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes - Episode 2 Trailer It's nearly here! After six months of waiting, Episode Two is nearly upon us - and this epic trailer should give you all some small flavour of what you're in for. |
May 17, 2014 at 3:20pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Substitute Teacher' by Kawa (comedy/slice-of-life) Summary: As a scientist, Pyrrhic Victory can't resist the opportunity to teach ponies things. As a troll, he can't resist a bit of mental scarring. |
May 11, 2014 at 12:20pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Eclipsed' by InquisitorM (precanon darkfic/uplifting) Summary: When darkness and despair comes to claim you, it doesn't matter what you fight for so long as you fight for something that matters. |
May 7, 2014 at 10:00am The Heroic Review! - A Quick Look at 'Pinkie on the One' (Rainbow Rocks Promo #4) Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than take a deep look at anything, we give our lightning fast opinions on 'Pinkie On the One', the fourth short promo from Hasbro Studios. No time to explain, hit that play button! |
May 5, 2014 at 12:11pm The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] Inspiration Manifestation Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, inspiration takes hold and we work our magic on Season 4, Episode 23: 'Inspiration Manifestation'! Listen as we talk Rarity, Rarity... |
May 4, 2014 at 9:26pm Message From Pounce
May 4, 2014 at 7:44pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Fleeting Fancies' (romance -- Luna/Fancy Pants) Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Fleeting Fancies' by The Quill and Sofa Shop (romance -- Luna/Fancy Pants) |
May 4, 2014 at 6:40pm Twilight Sparkle Plays With Dolls - Someone Made an SFM Stop Motion Adaptation Click here to find it -- |
May 2, 2014 at 7:17am The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] Trade Ya! - REUPLOADED WITH FIXED AUDIO! Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, we meet to swap ideas and trade opinions on Season 4, Episode 22: 'Trade Ya'! Listen as we talk Double-headed Dogs, Double Princess... |
Apr 27, 2014 at 5:24pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Twilight is Doomed' by Akumokagetsu (comedy) Summary: Twilight Sparkle has faced down Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, enemies and problems galore. Finally, she has met her match: duct tape. |
Apr 19, 2014 at 4:51pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'A Voice in the Dark' by Blueshift (darkfic/precanon) Summary: A tale from history. A pegasus, broken and injured. Alone in a cave. A voice in the dark. |
Apr 18, 2014 at 6:59pm The Heroic Review! - A Quick Look at 'Hamstocalypse Now' (Rainbow Rocks Promo #3) Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than take a deep look at anything, we give our lightning fast opinions on 'Hamstocalypse Now', the third short promo from Hasbro Studios. No time to explain, hit that play button! |
Apr 17, 2014 at 9:35pm MLP Comic Dub -- Easy Prey (action/friendship/uplifting -- Fluttershy & Discord) Original comic can be found here -- |
Apr 16, 2014 at 7:26pm The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, we grab our flash cards and reference Season 4, Episode 21: 'Testing, Testing, 1 2 3'! Listen as we talk rocking stools, rapping... |
Apr 14, 2014 at 9:52am Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'She's Leaving Home' by Hoof and Quill (slice-of-life; uplifting) Summary: Sometimes things have to change. (Call this a prediction, though I doubt it'll be pitched this way in the show proper.) |
Apr 12, 2014 at 8:17am The Heroic Review! - A Quick Look at ' Guitar Centred' (Rainbow Rocks Promo #2) Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than take a deep look at anything, we give our lightning fast opinions on 'Guitar Centred', the second short promo from Hasbro Studios. No time to explain, hit that play button! |
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:03pm The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] Leap of Faith Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, we demonstrate our convictions and understanding by investigating Season 4, Episode 20: 'Leap of Faith'. Listen as our plethora of... |
Apr 7, 2014 at 5:25pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'How To Save A Life' by Bronius Maximus (sadfic) Summary: My name is Doctor Stable. I've treated countless patients in my over a decade and a half service to the town that raised me. I'd never been caught up in any of the patients personal strifes or troubles, cold though that may seem. Although I'm not proud of it, I've lost numerous patients... |
Apr 1, 2014 at 10:09am The Heroic Review! - A Quick Look at 'Music To My Ears' (Rainbow Rocks Promo #1) Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than take a deep look at anything, we give our lightning fast opinions on 'Music to My Ears', the short promo from Hasbro Studios. No time to explain, hit that play button! |
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:32pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Delusional' by Homage (sadfic/AU) Summary: Rainbow Dash is an extremely talented flier with many friends. However, her assertive disposition and popularity may not be a coincidence. Perhaps she just imagines these things about herself ... |
Mar 29, 2014 at 9:31pm MLP Comic Dub -- Alternate Ending to the Season 2 Finale (uplifting) Original comic can be found here -- |
Mar 28, 2014 at 8:43pm The Heroic Review! [MLP Episode Review] For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils Join the cast of The Heroic Tale of Heroically Heroic Heroes as, rather than discuss, dissect and decide whether or not our chosen MLP fanfiction is worth reading, we are consumed by our own hubris take on Season 4, Episode 19: 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils'! Listen as we talk Sneaky Belles... |
Mar 22, 2014 at 8:59pm Pony Tales [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'Home is Where the Heart Lies' by The Princess Rarity (sadfic) Summary: Words on a piece of paper can't compare to the ones we actually say. |