Apps & Players
Chrome Browser

HoofSounds for Chrome
Ponyville Live! has partnered with the developer behind popular plugin PonyHoof to build a Chrome plugin that lets you listen to all of our pony music right from your Chrome toolbar. Visit the link below to learn more and install it!
PVL Chrome Desktop App
If you're looking for the convenience of pony music but without having to keep your browser open, we also offer a dedicated Chrome app that works on all platforms, including Chromebooks. Check it out!
Firefox Browser
HoofSounds for Firefox
The same HoofSounds plugin you know and love for Chrome has also been released as a Firefox plugin. Now you can enjoy pony music on either browser with the same experience!


PVL Mobile for Android
The new PVL! Mobile web application lets you enjoy awesome pony radio, video stations, podcasts and more, anywhere you go. The Android app includes all the features of our web application, plus notifications and persistent playback.

All Pony Radio
Our friends at Black Apple Research Facility have worked hard on their own Android app that plays all of Ponyville Live!'s music streams.

Pony Unite for iOS
This awesome app was built completely by fans of the Ponyville Live! network, and features a modern interface, along with all of PVL's radio stations, podcasts and upcoming events. It's our favorite way to take pony with us on our iPhones!
PVL Mobile for Web Browsers
Our mobile web site, featuring all the same radio stations, podcasts and convention coverage as our homepage, is available for all major mobile browsers, and can be pinned to your homepage for even easier access! Check it out below.

iPonyRadio for iOS, Android, and Desktops
Originally launched for iOS, the third-party iPonyRadio app has been updated to include Android and desktop platforms. You can listen to every Ponyville Live! station through iPonyRadio, along with Everfree Radio from Canterlot Hill.

Other Platforms
Winamp, iTunes, VLC, etc.
Download playlist files containing all of the Ponyville Live! radio stations in one single file. This file can then be used in many major media players.
Embedded On Your Web Site
Embed the PVL radio player, including all of its stations, directly into your web site for all of your users to enjoy! With the embedded widget, you can play music and tune into streams directly from your own web site.