
  • DJ-TrainR3k

    Loves to make music and art! I made the original 3rd Mistake meme with Crowne Prince; I want to make amazing things for the fandom and spread the...
  • EndenDragon

    I am an animator. I run a small youtube channel (look me up at TheCraftedDragon). I am currently the web developer for the Mane-Frame radio. I am a...
  • Event HoriXZ0n

    As the Draconequus Spirit of Destruction, it's my aim to not only make you hate music for the rest of your life, but, for you to share your newly...
  • Freewave

    I am a brony musician who does a wide amount of genres, pmv artist, long time club dj, and the guy who runs the brony musician directory.
  • FritzyBeat

    Cartoonist, brony musician, silly video maker, professional crazy talker, and fries and a drink on the side please. Pickup at next window. I Have...
  • Ibeabronyrapper

  • LeafRunner

    I'm an animation student who also has a deep interest in music. A multi instrumentalist: I've been playing music for probably 16 years, guitar for...